Crude Oil Update

...something to watch

...after Friday's surge.

...SPR drawdowns are now less effective than Central Bank interventions! the Dollar surge abates.

... the rally develops, as the Winter Season encroaches.

...the winds of war are now a breeze - but the storm is brewing the struggle for the downtrend continues.

...the downtrend has been broken.

...the state of play. a market that wants to move higher.

...the 'slingshot' didn't materialise

...The Parameters Come into Focus

.... a set up in the making.

...getting attuned to the new trading environment.

...and it ain't over yet.
...yet another meaningful drop in the ocean of demand. imploding economy needs less oil, it would seem.

Crude Breaks Out to the Upside

... we are at the inflection point

...the rally continues, apace settles down into $100/bbl territory

...Gold Climbs 2% as Oil Gains over 6%

after a late Friday rally