Silver Market Update

Bulls have a reason to be concerned. the Dollar strength continues. Trump's inauguration approaches.

... the market continues to be uninteresting. Gold continues to sleep.

...another day - another Gap higher

... as Silver prepares to take on $32.20 - again.

...and the shape of the market.

...The Market Cleared Resistance...and Failed.

...horizontal resistance has been cleared

markets Q3 comes to an end

...better late than never

.... while we wait for the Fed.

momentum is fading.

...Gold Shows Strength, While Silver Lags

...and silver starts to move.

...Silver refuses to confirm.

... as Silver flirts with potential sell-off. the global markets reel.
...our first target

...Silver is pulling back.

...assassination attempts have consequences.

...decisive point approaches.

...that didn't take long.'s the bounce that counts.

...mapping out the channel.

...power down trend has fallen.

...starting with Crude Oil - and impacting everything.

...and why we have further to run.

...there are no free rides, even on the bull.

...or at least to the Stars

...finally. on the back of Silver

...the channel top approaches

...but show signs of life. indecision reigns.

both Silver and Gold are barely holding on. we head towards the end of the year. we head to the holidays. our trend line gives up the game. the retracement takes hold

as we hit the end of the Month.

...and brings a light to Gold

...the marker is clear. to the ears of Bulls.

...silver looks like its completed the retracement.

...more confirmation.
... will it dent Gold's rally?

...worries are mounting for the rally.

The Technicals are on Message. Gold getting ready to move higher?

....but needs to hold the recent move. we finally have some light at the end of the tunnel?

..and the world careens into chaos.

...are we on the comeback trail?

...presented without comment

we've made it to $24.31

...bumping along the top.

... and gaps higher's the same 'ol story

...horizontal support in play.

... the market remains unsettled and is best avoided.
...the importance of stops when the market lurches.

no sign of let up in USD charge

up over 1% this morning

Euro below 1.13

...the bears are coming under repeated attack. the downtrend reasserts itself

...our Power trend is over...but the market remains bid.

...after flashing a sell signal. the Bull market

...after a near vertical run.

...for a new market.

...after a momentous day.

the clock is ticking on this recent rally

after another positive day.

...after a solid Friday finish.

...a mixed picture on an important Friday

... and a look at the 'fibs'

...are we starting a new era of volatility?

...after the deluge...a new uptrend in development?
laying out the Silver stall

...consolidating the energy in an up-trending market. the face of an adverse formation the Channel looks ready to fall.

...after a strong run.

...our 'cautious optimism' proves founded.

The Friday Follow Through didn't happen - but the market is consolidating.

...but look likely to charge again. we approach the downtrend.

...the dynamic is changing.

...the Commodity Complex is on Fire, and the Metals are finally catching up.

... mostly of the 'dead cat' variety

...just when the Bulls thought they were out of the Danger Zone the quarter comes to a close.

down by more than 4% on the day.

...Is the US Dollar getting Ready to Run Higher? the long-term downtrend is touched.

Metals fail to recover as possible Evergrande default freezes the market.

... as the bounce from $22 continues.