Gold Market Wire
News, analysis and commentary for gold traders and investors
Crude Oil Update
Crunch Time for Crude Oil
February 16, 2022 - (Gold Market Wire) - When you look at the chart of Crude Oil, take a moment to peruse the right hand scale. That will give you an idea of what the last few days have been like.

The "World Peace Declared" headlines yesterday certainly took the shine off the previous day's gap higher, and there was trade that was 'brisk'; to say the least. Our trend line did us proud - to say the least. It held almost to the penny, as everyone started to bail...and kept us in the game. The 'tree shakers' lost.
Now we come to the showdown... and the chart lays it out. Do we break down - or is it time to break out? Given the dimunition of the geo-political risks (aka 'war premium") one would expect Crude to be collapsing. But it isn't. And that, perhaps, is all 'ye need to know. The rally is in tact. Crude looks ready to move higher.