Gold Market Wire
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Gold Market Update
Gold Breakout vs Euro?
April 6, 2020 - (Gold Market Wire) - Gold is starting to break out against the Euro, perhaps foreshadowing a larger move vs. the US Dollar, or another down leg in EURO/USD. Its an interesting formation.

It's starting to look like the scramble by the German public to buy gold had a solid reason behind it. Now the Financial Times, the voice of the EU, (also sarcastically known as the New Berliner Tageblatt), is signalling that the long held German resistance to a Euro-wide bond issuance, which means, in essence, Germany and Holland bailing out the rest of Europe, is starting to crumble.
This is dynamite in the world political arena. Seizing on the CoronaVirus as the raison du jour to discard the fundamental pillar of German membership in the EU -that there would be no 'transfer union', and no German bailout of the Southern Nations - is Berlin backing down?
The signals that they might be are sending shock waves through the German public, who must be envisioning a world where they work and sacrifice their economy and savings to feed the bottomless pit of debt in Spain, Italy, Greece etc.
No wonder they are rushing to Gold. The Euro is about to become the new Italian Lira