Gold Market Wire
News, analysis and commentary for gold traders and investors
Gold/Silver Market Opening
Gold/Silver Ratio Continues Collapse
June 1, 2020 - (Gold Market Wire) - The Gold/Silver ratio continues to implode as the precious metals market storms high, with Silver leading the way. In under three short months the ratio has moved from a high of 128.53 to today's low of 94.77. The long suffering "diff" traders finally have reason to cheer.

It's highly likely there is more where that came from. The ratio had moved so far out of line it had to come back in...and the ticket to ride was always going to be an explosion in Silver. We have that now, no doubt. Silver is the market that likes to gap...and gap it has done this European a.m.

Silver is finding another level as global chaos, from the riots in the USA to the drums of war over Covid-19 and China and Hong Kong distill the fear which is the engine for the metals market. As Silver goes near vertical it would be good for the market to settle down, but in this geo-political environment it is hard to see exactly how that is going to happen. The gap needs to be held and the overbought situation "backed and filled". But that may not happen easily. The US Presidential election is now upon us, and stoking chaos is in the political interests of "some". This type of chaos is likely to remain right up to election day. So tighten the seat belt.
This is going to be one hell of a ride.